Month: September 2021

Engage Update Sept. 23, 2021

Provide Input on the Development of the APS & ACPD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) In June, the School Board voted to no longer have a daily SRO presence in schools. […]

Community Engagement Opportunities – Sep/Oct 2021

Dear Friends of APS: We hope the start of autumn is going well for you. As we continue into the fall, APS is working to evaluate and meet individual student […]

Swanson 8th Grader Named to Broadcom MASTERS Top 300 List

Swanson Middle School eighth grade student Henry Stievater has been named one of the Top 300 MASTERS in the 2021 Broadcom MASTERS® for his project titled The Effect of School Size, Per-Pupil Expenditures, and Percent of Teachers with Advanced Degrees on SOL Pass Rates.

Mensaje del Superintendente – 22 de septiembre

Estimadas familias de APS: A medida que avanzamos en el otoño, se realizan evaluaciones en toda la división escolar para evaluar y satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, académica, […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 9.20.21

September 20, 2021 Good afternoon. We hope everyone had a great weekend, and enjoyed the slightly cooler mornings and evenings. The Parent Resource Center is excited to launch our first […]

Esta Semana en APS – 20 de septiembre de 2021

¡Saludos, estimadas familias de APS! Esta semana destacamos los siguientes temas: HAGA SU PARTE PARA MANTENER LA ESCUELA ABIERTA Y SEGURA APS está utilizando múltiples estrategias para mantener la seguridad […]

Friday 5 for September 17, 2021

1. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! This week kicks off the annual National Hispanic Heritage Month celebration, Sept. 15 – Oct. 15. View this kick-off video to learn why this month […]

Student Services Newsletter September 2021

This year APS will have a SEL focus each month. A different SEL competency and overarching concept will be addressed in classrooms with lessons and activities, and we encourage you to work with your students at home and in the community to further develop these social and emotional skills. Suggesting questions and activities will be provided each month in this newsletter.