Month: April 2021

JFAC Seeking Members for Two Committees

The Joint Facilities Advisory Commission (JFAC) has created two committees to explore two questions raised by Arlington Public Schools and are looking for members of the public who have an interest and expertise in these areas to join one of the two committees.

School Board Public Hearing, April 29, 2021

Minutes for the April 29, 2021 School Board Public Hearing on the School Board Proposed FY 2022 Budget For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of […]

A Month of Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day? Let’s Roll with It!

For nearly two decades APS has participated in Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day, which takes place the first Wednesday in May and provides an opportunity for communities across the country to celebrate active transportation by biking, walking and rolling to school.

What health and safety measures will APS have in the fall?

posted April 27 APS will implement safety measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in schools, including universal mask requirements for students and staff, air quality measures, and COVID-19 response procedures.