Month: November 2020

School Board Meeting November 17, 2020

Minutes for the November 17, 2020 School Board Meeting Due to some technical difficulties during the meeting, the video is in 3 parts. The agenda, with start times, is listed […]

A Message from the Superintendent

Arlington Public Schools is committed to providing safe, supportive, and inclusive environments for all students that are free of hate, bias, and discrimination. This is a core APS value which we uphold, whether classes are being conducted online or in person.

Mensaje del Superintendente

Las Escuelas Públicas de Arlington se comprometen a proporcionar entornos seguros, de apoyo e incluyentes que estén libres de odio, prejuicios y discriminación para todos los estudiantes. Este es un valor central de APS que defendemos, ya sea que las clases se realicen en línea o en persona.

School Board Discusses Proposed 2021-22 School Year Calendar

The Superintendent presented the proposed 2021-22 school year calendar at the Nov. 17 School Board meeting. The proposed calendar includes a pre-Labor Day start and will include four additional cultural/religious holidays.

Community Engagement Opportunities -Nov/Dec 2020

Dear Friends of APS: This week APS opened instructional learning support to a limited number of students with the highest need. We continue to monitor health metrics and hope to […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: November 16, 2020

    November 16, 2020 Transition Series As we parent PreK students, elementary age students, middle school students, and even high school students, it’s sometimes hard to imagine our children’s […]