Month: October 2020

Actualización semanal del 6 de octubre del Superintendente

Gracias por compartir sus comentarios sobre nuestro plan de regreso a la escuela. Hemos recibido una gran cantidad de comentarios positivos y queremos reiterar que seguimos comprometidos con la transición de los estudiantes de regreso a la escuela de manera segura y gradual, comenzando con los estudiantes con discapacidades que necesitan más apoyo.

Monday Message: October 5, 2020

Happy October – one of the busiest months for our community. During the month of October, we acknowledge Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Month, Blindness Awareness Month, Disability History and […]

Arlington Public Schools Publishes Proposal for New Elementary School Boundaries in 2021-22

Arlington Public Schools (APS) published a proposal for new elementary school boundaries for 2021-22. The proposal creates attendance zones for the new neighborhood school at the Key site and for McKinley in the new facility at the Reed site, both of which will open in Fall 2021, as well as neighborhood boundaries around Arlington Science Focus School (ASFS).

Arlington Teachers Complete Kennedy Center Training Program

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts awarded 18 APS teachers Certificates of Study for their participation in the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) program.