Month: June 2020

School Board Meeting June 4, 2020

Minutes for the June 4, 2020 Meeting For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you don’t see […]

Song Arranged by APS Students selected by Lucky Chops

Recently, Kenmore eighth grader, Henry Price and Washington-Liberty freshman Jeremy Fagen (former Kenmore student) created an arrangement of the Lucky Chops’ song “Full Heart FANcy” for 20 instruments and submitted it for consideration. 

2019-20 APS Retirees

Congratulations to our Retirees! We will miss you. Abingdon Stephen Utley Alice West Fleet Twila Glick Susan Lewis Susan Service Arlington Traditional Vicky Flynt Ashlawn Hai Ngo Barcroft Rosemary Torrico […]

APS French Students Earn National Recognition

APS French students earned national recognition in the 2020 Grand Concours (National French Contest) sponsored by the American Association Teachers of French.

Хэнээс туслалцаа авах вэ?

Хичээлтэй холбоотой тусламж: Нэгдүгээрт, хүүхдийн багштай имэйлээр холбогдох Багш хариу өгөөгүй нөхцөлд сургуулийн захиралтай имэйлээр холбогдох Эсвэл, дараах хаягаар холбогдоно уу Техникийн туслалцаа Сургуулийн дижитал төхөөрөмж хариуцсан багтай холбогдох Нийгэм-Сэтгэцийн […]

A quién acudir para obtener asistencia

Para obtener asistencia con la enseñanza Primero, comuníquese con el maestro de su hijo/a por correo electrónico Si el maestro no está disponible, comuníquese con el director o la directora […]