APS News Release

2020 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Literary and Visual Arts Contest Winners Announced

2020 MLK Contest Winner Grades 9-12
Drawing by Anderson Martin Cruz

Today, Arlington Public Schools announced the winners of the 2020 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Literary and Visual Arts contest.

This year marks the 51st year that Arlington County and APS have come together to celebrate Dr. King’s legacy. This is an important for APS because we want to ensure that all our students learn about Dr. King’s many contributions and understand how his work has affected our lives.

APS students at all grade levels were asked to participate in the contest, and this year we received close to 1,000 entries from every school and program. Students submitted outstanding pieces of artwork, poetry and essays. Twenty-four entries were chosen in this year’s contest.

“We were so impressed and inspired by the incredible submissions we received this year,” said Pam Farrell, Arts Education Supervisor. “The students’ entries reflected many meaningful and creative interpretations of peace and we appreciate our school staff, students and families for spending time to explore the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King through their art and writings.”

The winners will be recognized at the School Board meeting on Thursday, January 23 at 7 p.m. at the Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Blvd., 2nd Floor.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about his dream for what the world should be like. His dream was to have a fair and peaceful world where everyone is equal to one another. On August 28, 1963, Dr. King shared his dream in the famous “I Have a Dream” speech. In his speech Dr. King pleads with his audience to fight violence and hatred with peace and love. This speech was given at the Lincoln Memorial and heard by millions around the world.

Visual Arts Prompt

Describe through visual arts how you can communicate peace.

Visual Arts Winners

Grades 9 – 12

1 – Anderson Martin Cruz, Arlington Community High School, 12th Grade
2 – Kaan Orgut, Wakefield High School, 12th Grade
3 – Renee Whiffen, Wakefield, 11th Grade

Art by Renee Whiffen
Art by Renee Whiffen

Grades 6 – 8

1 – Eva Jaldin Torrico, Jefferson, 6th Grade
2- Mia Moret, Kenmore, 6th Grade
3 – Onnalyn Chanikornpradit, Swanson, 6th Grade

Grades 3 – 5

1 – Clementine Mooney, Oakridge, 4th Grade
2 – Emma Ignat, Jamestown, 3rd Grade
3 – Jorge Alfaro Villacorta, Drew, 4th Grade

Art by Emma Ignat
Art by Emma Ignat

Grades K- 2

1 – Ezekiel Mooney, Oakridge, 2nd Grade
2 – Jane Bowman, Arlington Traditional, 2nd Grade
3 – Natalie Shaw, Barrett, 2nd Grade

Literary Arts Prompt

Describe in writing why is peace important to you.

Literary Arts Winners

Grades 9 – 12

1 – Zakawaan Al-Jabir, New Directions, 12th Grade
2 –Abel Daniel, Arlington Community High School, 12th Grade
3 –Herber Galdames, New Directions, 11th Grade

Grades 6 – 8

1 –Diogenis Aleman Calderon, Gunston, 6th Grade
2 –Devesh Stansbury, Dorothy Hamm, 6th Grade
3 –Kaitlin Madison, Dorothy Hamm, 6th Grade

Grades 3 – 5

1 – Skylar Steen, Montessori Public School of Arlington, 3rd Grade
2 –Tyler Moss, Ashlawn, 4th Grade
3 –Harper Rath, Long Branch, 5th Grade

Grades K – 2

1 –Leela Lakhani, Science Focus, 2nd Grade
2 –Sabrina Dattu, Glebe, 2nd Grade
3 –Nora Mehenni, Science Focus, 2nd Grade