Month: April 2017

School Board Approves Proposed FY 2018 Budget

Last night, the School Board approved its Proposed FY 2018 Arlington Public Schools (APS) budget to fund operations for the 2017-18 school year.

Findings from APS Enrollment Projections Study Presented

At last night’s meeting, Dr. Richard S. Grip, Executive Director of Statistical Forecasting and a recognized leader and expert in the public school enrollment projections, presented his key findings from a recent study of the APS enrollment projections and processes.

Asunto: Retirada del mercado del producto EpiPen

La Administración de alimentación y medicamentos de EE. UU. (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) alerta a los consumidores acerca de la retirada voluntaria efectuada por Meridian Medical Technologies, de los 13 lotes de los autoinyectores EpiPen y EpiPen Jr (para inyección de epinefrina) de la distribuidora Mylan, utilizados para el tratamiento de emergencia por reacciones alérgicas severas.

EpiPen Recall

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers to Meridian Medical Technologies’ voluntary recall of 13 lots of Mylan’s EpiPen and EpiPen Jr (epinephrine injection) Auto-Injector products used for emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions.

Review, Revise, Refine Community Meeting Feedback Forms Available

During the March 30 Review, Revise, Refine community meeting, participants were able to share their feedback during breakout sessions about: the revisions to the enrollment and transfers policy; the K-12 instructional focus; and the 1,300 new high school seats.

School Board Selects 2017 Honored Citizens

Every year, community members spend countless hours volunteering in Arlington Schools, supporting both our students and our staff.