Course Recommendations

Assessments Used to Determine Rising 6th Grade Math Course Recommendation

In 2016, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) redeveloped mathematics standards, which were fully implemented in the Fall of 2018. There is now a greater emphasis on the mathematics process goals, a conceptual understanding of mathematics, and multiple ways to problem solve, as well as students having facility with multiple representations of content.  The VDOE also redefined Algebra Readiness: ““Algebra readiness” describes the mastery of, and the ability to apply the Mathematics Standards of Learning, including the Mathematical Process Goals for Students, for kindergarten through grade 8.”  Each June, a team of experienced math educators meets to determine mathematics course recommendations for rising sixth grade students.  The team considers multiple measures linked to students’ knowledge of content, reasoning ability, and readiness for instruction.  This data is considered in conjunction with a math performance assessment rating provided by the elementary school staff.  The recommendation is shared with families and students through ParentVue in early July.   Information about how to contact the mathematics coach of receiving middle school of the student is also provided with the recommendation, should there be a question from a family on the recommendation.

Data Points that are Considered in the Mathematics Course Recommendation Process Include:

Mathematics Content:

  • Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Grade 4 Mathematics Score
  • Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Grade 5 Mathematics Score

Reasoning Ability:

  • Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Quantitative Score
  • Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Nonverbal Score

APS administers the CogAT to all fourth graders each school year.  The test is divided into three sub-tests:  Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Quantitative.  For math course recommendations, the two subtest used are quantitative and nonverbal.  The Resource Teacher for the Gifted (RTG) at each child’s elementary site can provide additional information about CogAT.  RTG contacts information by school can be found here:


  • Math Inventory Quantile Score

The Math Inventory is a brief classroom-based adaptive assessment that is designed to evaluate students’ readiness to learn different math concepts and skills.  The team uses the Quantile score to help determine what mathematics course each student is ready to tackle next.  Additional information about Math Inventory

Many strong math students are usually recommended for Math 6. And, Math 6 is a rigorous course!  The majority of APS students will spend a year in Math 6 in order to gain a solid mathematics foundation, as outlined by the 2016 curriculum, before potentially receiving a compacted curriculum the following year. The Grade 6 mathematics standards include content that was historically taught in higher level math courses.

Assessments Used to Determine Rising 7th & Rising 8th Grade Math Course Recommendations

Each June, a countywide team of mathematics specialists, teachers, counselors, and administrators meet to determine mathematics course recommendations for rising 7th and 8th grade students.  The team considers multiple measures, including:

  • Virginia Standard of Learning (SOL Score from Currently Enrolled Math Course
  • Math Inventory Quantile Score*
  • Grades from Quarter 1, Quarter 2, and Quarter 3 of the Currently Enrolled Math Course
  • Performance Rating from school-based Staff

*One of the measures, the students’ Quantile score, is determined using the school division’s universal screener, Math Inventory.  It is a brief classroom-based adaptive assessment that is designed to evaluate students’ readiness to learn different math concepts and skills.  The team uses the Quantile score to help determine what mathematics course each student is ready to tackle next.

Additional information about Math Inventory