
The purpose for offering language services is to facilitate and increase meaningful communication and access to school programs, curriculum, activities, and educational opportunities for families and students.  APS values the importance of communication between parents and schools. We want parents and students to know about and fully understand the educational opportunities that Arlington offers and to benefit from them.

About Translation Services
The Arlington Public Schools provides written language translation services from and into English and the four main languages spoken by our students and families: Spanish, Amharic, Arabic and Mongolian. These services are customarily provided during the following events:

Translation Services for

  • The Office of the Superintendent, the Executive Leadership Team, Administrators, Program and Curriculum Directors, Coordinators and Specialists.
  • Professional Development and resources for school interpreters and translators, publication of the English-Spanish Glossary and glossaries into the other top languages and resources.

“Supporting communication between families and schools”

Requesting Translations

The link for translation requests has been moved to the “Useful Links” section of Staff Central. Please login to Staff Central to request document translations.

Translation questions

Contact Jeff Lash at 703-228-8041 or

Plan Ahead
The turn-around time for a translation job is 10 business days.  Depending on our translators workloads, jobs may (and often do) come back sooner, but please allow 10 days just in case.


Who Can Use the APS Language Services?
Interpretation and translation services are available to APS staff for the benefit of parents, families and students.

How Can APS Staff Access Language Services?
Contact the corresponding persons at your schools/ offices or contact the LSRC directly here.

How Long Does it Take to Receive Language Services?
The processing time for the interpretation requests depends on a variety of factors, such as but not limited to type of meeting, type of interpretation and language etc,.