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Performance Based Assessment (PBA) Scores for English 8 Writing

Performance Based Assessment (PBA) Scores for English 8 Writing

Students’ essays were scored by at least two highly-qualified, trained English Language Arts teachers who reviewed essays using the Virginia Department of Education Scoring Rubric for English 8 Writing. Essays were “blindly” scored, which means that teachers scored essays without knowing student name, school name, or teacher name. Final scores were determined based on the VDOE rubrics for Composing/Written Expression and Usage/Mechanics, with the Composing/Written Expression domain weighted double. Possible Scores were 0-12 or 99 if a student did not turn in the assignment.

Scores of 10-12 indicate that the student’s writing Exceeded Expectations based on this PBA.

  • As a writer, you demonstrate consistent, though not necessarily perfect, control in the integrations of the Composing/Written Expression domain’s features and control of the Usage and Mechanics domain’s features. You should be proud of your writing, and be excited as you continue to develop your argumentation, analysis, and written presentation.

Scores of 6-9 indicate that the student’s writing Met Expectations based on this PBA.

  • As a writer, you demonstrate reasonable, but not consistent, control in the integrations of the Composing/Written Expression domain’s features and the Usage and Mechanics domain’s features. You should feel good about your written product and continue to write as much as possible. With practice, your mechanics will improve but more importantly, consistency of written expression will continue to develop. Try writing for various reasons and work on expanding vocabulary and word choice so that your written language clearly identifies your perspective.

Scores of 3-5 indicate that the student’s writing is Developing based on this PBA.

  • As a writer, you demonstrate inconsistent control of several in the integration of the Composing/Written Expression domain’s features and the Usage and Mechanics domain’s features, indicating significant weakness. You are still growing as a writer, and you will become stronger by working on the basics, with a focus on organization of thought and a focus on central ideas and their connection to supporting themes. Also work on using a more specific and wider variety of vocabulary to improve your voice and tone. Most importantly, try to express yourself in writing as much as possible to develop your voice. Try writing in a journal about your day, write a list or things that you want to accomplish this year and a plan for accomplishing these goals, or try to write a story about someone you respect or love. Check with your teachers to give feedback on your progress.

Scores of 0-2 indicate that the student’s writing is Emerging based on this PBA.

  • As a writer, you demonstrate limited control in the integration of most of the Composing/Written Expression domain’s features and the Usage and Mechanics domain’s features. Keep focusing on organization of thought and a focus on central ideas and their connection to supporting themes. Also work on using a more specific and wider variety of vocabulary to improve your voice and tone. But most importantly, try to express yourself in writing as much as possible to develop your voice. Try writing in a journal about your day, write a list or things that you want to accomplish this year and a plan for accomplishing these goals, or try to write a sorry about someone you respect or love. As writing may be a challenge for you, ask your teacher if there are tools that might be able to help you, like a dictation device or grammar checker. Focus on getting your voice out and the usage and mechanics will follow. Just keep trying to write.

Score of 99 indicates Unsatisfactory / Did not Submit this PBA assignment.

  • By not turning in this PBA essay, there is no way for us to give you feedback on your writing. Please reach out to your teacher to see where you might focus your efforts to continue to grow your writing skills.