Overview of the Student Detail By Question (SDBQ) Report

This document provides a general overview of the SDBQ Report and it is also available on the VDOE website.

Overview of the Student Detail By Question (SDBQ) Report

The Virginia Department of Education is committed to providing families and schools with reports that not only describe current student performance but that also can inform future learning opportunities. An example of this type of report is the Student Detail By Question, or SDBQ, report.SDBQ VDOE

First is some information about your student, the name of the test, and your student’s vertical scaled score.

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The vertical scaled score is a new kind of score that allows for the measure of a student’s progress from one test to another.


Next is a question-by-question description of everything covered on your student’s test. The SDBQ report also gives you information about each question’s difficulty level.


A ‘check’ indicates that a question was answered correctly, and an ‘x’ shows that an item was answered incorrectly. The text provides a brief description of the content the question was about.


In the spring you will receive another Student Detail By Question report after your child completes their grade 3-8 reading/mathematics SOL test. The combination of data from the fall and spring SDBQ reports will provide you and your child with information on their knowledge and progress in reading and mathematics. After reviewing your child’s SDBQ report, you will have a better understanding of your child’s areas of strengths as well as areas that may need additional focus.

Use this link to access some helpful resources in reading and mathematics that you may use to assist your child. These resources are provided by the Virginia Department of Education specifically for parents and caregivers to use with children.


Thank you for all you are doing to assist your child with their learning.


Parent & Caregiver Resources for Growth AssessmentsThis is a newly developed webpage on the VDOE website to provide parents and caregivers with assessment and instruction resources related to the Fall 2022 Growth Assessments.