Arlington Tiered System of Support (ATSS)

Welcome to the Arlington Tiered System of Support Webpage! 

The Arlington Tiered System of Supports (ATSS) is the overarching framework that encompasses both the academic and social/emotional dimensions of learning. The ATSS framework is a key component of the broader APS strategy to support ALL learners and ensure equitable access to a robust, high quality education. ATSS implementation is the shared responsibility of all APS educators, staff, families and communities. It is designed to enable educators to make data-based decisions to meet the needs of students from different backgrounds, levels of language proficiency, learning styles, and levels of achievement.

Mission Statement

The goal of ATSS is to provide a high-quality tiered instructional framework that is personalized, flexible, and inclusive.  Utilizing the principles of Universal Design for Learning, we promote the use of evidence-based, comprehensive, and rigorous curricular resources in order to meet the academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs of ALL learners.

Vision Statement

To support schools in the development of sustainable academic and behavioral tiered systems of support through relationship building, focused professional learning, and strategic coaching in order to ensure schools have the systems needed to guarantee equitable outcomes for all students.

Core Beliefs

  • Students come first.
  • Equity is fundamental.
  • Decisions are informed by data.
  • Improvement is continuous.
  • Know better, do better.