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Planning Tips and Tricks

Planning Tips and Tricks

  • Ensure all activities and resources are available online. Continue to design lessons that work well for online learning and continue using Canvas and Teams (and Zoom, if applicable).
  • Think about and create norms for your students for synchronous and asynchronous work during Hybrid-Virtual class sessions.
    • Should virtual students use the raise hand feature in Teams if they wish to speak during the live session? How often will you check for raised hands on Teams/Zoom?
    • Should F2F students use the raise hand feature in Teams, or should they physically raise their hand during the live session?
    • Should virtual students remain in the Teams meeting while they work independently? If they don’t, when should they return? How will they ask for help if needed?
  • Be intentional about how you use your synchronous time, just as you did during 100% virtual instruction.
    • Start your synchronous time with virtual bell ringers to allow yourself time to complete administrative tasks such as attendance
    • Consider using aspects of the Flipped Learning Model and provide students with a pre-recorded video of the lesson concept being taught and use the synchronous class time for practice, discussion, etc.
  • Prepare choice boards for students at home in the event they have unexpected technology issues. Be sure the activities are up to date and related to the material being covered during synchronous sessions during the week.
  • Visit your classroom ahead of time
    • Re-orient yourself with the SMART Board/Panel and other technological resources in your classroom and practice connecting your APS-issued laptop.