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High School Instructional Technology Support

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Hybrid/Virtual Learning Best Practices Support Guide for Teachers

As APS moves toward supporting more students in a face-to-face classroom setting, high school ITCs are preparing a toolkit for teachers and assistants that will help them as they navigate teaching students in both a virtual and a hybrid classroom setting.

Resources within the toolkit will include:

The toolkit will also include a link to a submission form where APS high school educators can share what strategies they have implemented with success, and high school ITCs will share them with their respective school communities.

In the spirit of anytime, anywhere learning, the high school ITCs will share strategies and best practices via their Twitter account, @APSHSITC in conjunction with the toolkit.

All high school ITCs are participating in the creation of the toolkit, and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Please note that this toolkit will not supersede any information shared by the Department of Teaching and Learning, Department of Information Services, or APS as a whole.