Critical and Creative Thinking – Choice Boards


Critical and Creative Thinking Family Edition

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CCT Overview for Families 

APS Critical and Creative Thinking Framework 
Strategies Defined to Support Choice Boards 

Date of Publication

CCT Strategies Used 

September 28 


  • Encapsulation
  • Point of View
  • Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI)
  • Fluency, Flexibility, Originality and Elaboration (FFOE)

October 5 

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  • Big Ideas
  • Making Connections
  • FFOE

October 12 

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  • Big Ideas
  • Visualization
  • PMI
  • FFOE

October 19

  • Habits of Mind
  • Making Connections
  • PMI
  • FFOE

October 26

  • Big Ideas
  • Questioning
  • Visualization
  • FFOE

November 2 

  • RAFT
  • Habits of Mind
  • FFOE

November 9 

  • Big Ideas
  • Questioning
  • FFOE
November 16
November 16 SPANISH
November 16 ARABIC
  • Habits of Mind
  • Visualization
  • PMI
  • FFOE
November 30
November 30 SPANISH
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  • Habits of Mind
  • Encapsulation 
  • PMI
  • Questioning 
December 14
December 14 Spanish
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  • PMI
  • HOM
  • Visualization
  • See Think Wonder

January 15 


  • RAFT
  • Questioning  
  • Making Connections
February 15 
  • Making Connections
  • See, Think, Wonder
  • Questioning 
  • Visualization
March 15 
  • Visual Thinking Routine: Compass Points
  • PMI 
  • See, Think, Wonder
  • Questioning-Ranking 
April 15 
  • Encapsulation
  • Visual Thinking Routine: 10 X 2 
  • Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration
  • Habits of Mind:  Thinking Flexibly