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Extended Day Registration for Virtual Learners

Students participating in the K-12 Virtual Learning Program are not eligible for Extended Day services.  However, those families may register their children for Extended Day during the appropriate registration period (Phase 1, 2 or 3, see Registration information) and, if selected in the lottery for enrollment, defer participation until the student returns to in-person instruction.

  • All students enrolled in Extended Day will have a confirmation email sent to the parent/guardian who submitted the registration information.
  • If the student is participating in Virtual Learning the parents/guardians should respond to the email, notifying the Extended Day Central Office of their plans to defer enrollment until the child returns to in-person learning.
  • The student will be placed on the waitlist in order of their lottery number.
  • As Extended Day slots become available students participating in in-person instruction will be enrolled in order of their placement number (from the lottery).  The Virtual Learning students will retain their original placement on the waitlist and be offered enrollment upon returning to in-person instruction and space becomes available.

Families of elementary students participating in the Virtual Learning program can choose to have their student return to in-person attendance at the beginning of each new quarter.  Middle school students have the option to return to in-person learning at the beginning of the second semester.