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The New Middle School Naming Process

Update: The School Board voted unanimously to change the name to the Dorothy Hamm Middle School

  • Signage for the building, website and other materials will be changed over the summer.
  • The new name – Dorothy Hamm Middle School – will go into effect at the start of the 2019-20 school year.

On June 7, 2018, the School Board adopted a revised policy for Naming of Facilities Policy describes:

  • The criteria for naming facilities
  • How APS manages requests to Rename Schools/Facilities

The revised Policy Implementation Procedures (PIP) describes:

  • The membership of naming/renaming committees
  • The process for the committees

Naming Committee Membership Defined by PIP

  • One parent from each of the schools that have had (or may have) their attendance/boundary zone redrawn to create the new attendance/boundary zone.
  • Committees for the Montessori school and Wilson site building will be composed of parents, teachers and staff including representatives from AMAC (Montessori) or (HBW PAC and Stratford Program).
  • One representative from each civic association whose attendance/boundary zone falls within the newly-established attendance/boundary zone of the school being named.
  • Two teachers from each of the schools that will see their attendance/boundary zones redrawn to create the new attendance/boundary zone for the school being named.
  • One representative from the community at large who is not affected by the school being named.
  • One student who will attend the school (if that building is a high school).
  • Principal of the school being named
  • One staff liaison from School & Community Relations

Each member is charged with soliciting input from their corresponding affiliated school and neighborhood groups.

What to Expect Throughout the Naming Process

  • Meeting schedules will be posted on the Engage section of the APS website
  • Interested members of the community may attend meetings to listen
  • Each committee member will be charged with soliciting input from their corresponding school, neighborhood or community groups
  • Minutes of meetings will be posted on the Engage section of the APS website
  • Community input may be solicited via:
    • School or Civic group meetings
    • PTA meetings
    • Input/Surveys From: Students, Parents, Community
    • Engage with APS emails
    • Other input as received

Participating in Community Engagement Strategies and Activities

Community engagement will be, in part, a responsibility of the committee members to solicit recommendations and input from their corresponding constituent groups.  Engagement may include:

  • Reach out to the member that is associated to your group to ask questions or share your ideas
  • Minutes from the committee meetings will be posted online
  • Ask a committee member to talk with your group or share the meeting summaries with your group
  • Participate when opportunities arise for the community provide feedback (through surveys or other opportunities
  • Share information on your organization’s listserve or email group
  • Use the Online Feedback Form on “Engage with APS” – select the initiative from the drop-down list to submit your comments and input (all comments will be shared with the full committee

Timeline for the New Middle School Naming Process



August 2018

  • Provide PTAs, Civic Associations with overview of process and how to get involved
  • Publish schedule, contact info for each of the groups

School Community Engagement

Sept. – Nov. 2018

  • Members appointed to committees
  • Committees establish meeting schedule
  • Develop recommended name with input from the community
   Committee Meeting Dates 

  • Meeting #1 – Tuesday, September 25, 6:30 p.m., H-B Woodlawn Cafeteria

New Middle School Naming Committee Meeting 10.23 FINAL

  • Meeting #3 – Monday, November 26, 6:30 p.m., H-B Woodlawn Cafeteria

Nov. 26 New Middle School Naming Committee Meeting Notes

You can expect each meeting to last approximately 1-2 hours.

School Board Meeting Schedule

Aug. – Dec. 2018

  • Work Session – August 28, 2018
  • Appoint Naming Committee Members – Consent September 6, 2018
  • Information Item – December 6, 2018
  • Action – December 20, 2018

SCR Staff Liaison & Principal Team

Daryl Johnson, School and Community Relations Liaison Daryl.Johnson@apsva.us
Ellen Smith, Principal Ellen.Smith@apsva.us