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Stratford Program Naming Process

Update: On June 6, 2019, the School Board voted unanimously to change the name to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program.

  • The current name will remain “Stratford Program” through the end of the 2018-19 school year.
  • Signage for the building, website and other materials will be changed over the summer.
  • The new name – Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program – will go into effect in the 2019-20 school year.

On June 7, 2018, the School Board adopted a revised policy for the Naming of Facilities. The Policy describes:

  • The criteria for naming facilities
  • How APS manages requests to Rename Schools/Facilities

The new Policy Implementation Procedures (F-6.1 PIP-2) describes:

  • The membership of naming/renaming committees
  • The process for the committees

Naming Committee Membership Defined by PIP

  • Principal or administrator of the program
  • If the program currently exists, two parents of students enrolled in the program who are members of the program’s parent advisory group.
  • Two teachers from the program to be named/renamed
  • Three representatives from the Department of Teaching and Learning, representing instructional areas that provide support to the program
  • Two representatives from each APS advisory committee that provides oversight, advice and/or recommendations in areas related to the instructional framework or instructional components of the program.
  • One staff liaison appointed by the Superintendent

Each member is charged with soliciting input from their corresponding constituent groups.

What to Expect Throughout the Naming Process

  • Meeting schedules will be posted on the Engage calendar on the APS website
  • Meetings are open to the public but only Committee members have a vote
  • Each committee member will be charged with soliciting input from their corresponding constituent groups
  • Minutes of meetings will be posted below
  • Community input may be solicited via:
    • School or advisory group meetings
    • PTA meetings
    • Input from students, parents, staff, community
    • Engage with APS emails
    • Other input as received

Participating in Community Engagement Strategies and Activities

Community engagement will be, in part, a responsibility of the committee members to solicit recommendations and input from their corresponding constituent groups. Engagement may include:

  • Reach out to the member that is associated with your group to ask questions or share your ideas
  • Minutes from the committee meetings will be posted online
  • Ask a committee member to talk with your group or share the meeting summaries with your group
  • Participate when opportunities arise for the community to provide feedback (through surveys or other opportunities)
  • Share information on your organization’s list-serve or email group
  • Use the Online Feedback Form on “Engage with APS” – select the initiative from the drop-down list to submit your comments and input (all comments will be shared with the full committee)

Timeline for the Stratford Naming Process


School Community Engagement  

April – May 2019

  • Members appointed to committee
  • Establish committee meeting schedule
  • Develop recommended name with input from the community
 Committee Meeting Dates and Topics:

  • Meeting #1 – Tuesday, April 23, 12:00 p.m., Stratford Program site

TOPICS: Committee receives its charge, selects Committee Chair, and begins initial brainstorm of names

Stratford Naming Committee Notes Apr 23, 2019

  • Meeting #2 – Tuesday, May 7, 12:00 p.m., Stratford Program site

TOPICS: Review additional names from respective constituent groups, including biographical information for any individuals whose names are being considered. Decide if survey or other engagement tools are needed.

Stratford Naming Committee Notes May 7, 2019

The Committee voted to select a recommended name and alternate name for the program and the Chair made the recommendation to the Superintendent, thereby concluding the work of the Committee.

School Board Meeting Schedule

June 2019

  • Monitoring Item – June 6, 2019

SCR Staff Liaison & Principal Team

Dulce Carrillo, School and Community Relations Liaison dulce.carrillo@apsva.us
Dr. Karen Gerry, Principal karen.gerry@apsva.us