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FY 2023-32 CIP School Board Direction

(FY 2022-24 CIP information)


Every two years, the School Board adopts a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that addresses APS capital needs—investments needed to improve or enhance the infrastructure of our schools—over the next ten years. The CIP includes major capital projects, such as new schools and school additions, as well as major maintenance and minor construction projects. In June 2020, due to budgetary pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the School Board, in conjunction with the County Board, pivoted away from preparing a ten-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and, instead, developed a one-year CIP.

This year, the School Board is will return to a 10-year FY 2023-2032 CIP.


FY 2023-32 Capital Improvement Plan Board Direction

Planning for FY 2023-32 CIP began as part of the FY 2022-24 CIP Report at the end of FY 2020-21. To read the full June 24 School Board motion, see Appendix A in the FY 2022-24 CIP Report

The School Board updated their direction on October 28,2022. To read the October direction, you may read the full board motion at: School Boards FY 2023-2032 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Direction

The Superintendent is directed to:

  • Continue funding those projects outlined in the 2022-24 CIP including:
    • Kitchen renovations
    • Entrance renovations/security vestibules
    • The Heights building phase 2
    • Synthetic turf field replacements
    • Previous bond funding for:
      • Career Center project
      • Planning to provide options to meet 10-year projected seat needs.
  • Support the continuation of major building system upgrades (HVAC, roofing, lighting, etc.), and to include the annual Major Infrastructure Projects bond funding in the Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2023-32 CIP.
  • Continue working to provide an interim site for Arlington Community High School by August 2023.
  • Begin work immediately on the Arlington Career Center concept design using:
    • the Proposed Base and Alternative Educational Specifications and
    • Option 4 and the proposed Project Requirements.
  • Take the time while the ACC building is being completed to plan for the development of the remaining site available for other uses under Option 4.
    • The FY 2023-32 CIP will include a study identifying potential long-term use options for the entire Career Center campus, and
      • Maintain maximum student capacity at 2,570 seats
      • Include reuse and/or removal of existing ACC and MPSA buildings, and
      • Ensure that campus traffic levels remain manageable.
    • The options will be used in the long-range plan to renovate school facilities and the FY2025-34 CIP will include specific recommendations for the campus.
  • The Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2023-32 CIP will include:
    • A framework and guidelines for evaluating existing facilities (including buildings on the ACC campus)
    • A plan for the FY 2025-34 CIP to include:
      • A schedule and prioritization of renovations by facility
      • Bond or other funding sources to implement the long-range renovation plan


In the June 24 School Board Motion, the School Board directed the Superintendent to

  • Proceed with relocation of ACHS at a maximum total project cost of $6.18 million, to be completed by August 2023.
  • No later than October 2021, present to the School Board for approval the proposed educational specifications, diagrammatic site and building plans, and a reconciled cost estimate for a project at the ACC site that meets these requirements:
    • Provides three (3) options, each at the lowest possible cost;
    • Provides facilities for existing programs within the ACC building, including appropriately sized cafeteria, library, gymnasium, arts space and CTE labs;
    • Adds the maximum number of secondary seats within the stated cost limit;
    • Adds an athletic field similar in size to what was proposed in the May 2020 concept;
    • Completes new and/or renovated space as close to December 2025 as possible; and
    • Includes parking to meet expected demand of the various uses on site.
  • Direct the Superintendent to include in the Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2023-32 CIP in Spring 2022 a long-range plan to renovate existing school facilities that provides:
    • A schedule of renovations to be completed, and
    • The order of priority with supporting rationale

To read the full June 24 School Board motion, see Appendix A in the FY 2022-24 CIP Report

Presentations and Meetings

September 21, 2021 School Board Work Session

Staff reviewed School Board guidance from June and provided CIP budget scenarios, Career Center site and building alternatives

October 14, 2021 School Board Information Item

The School Board provided CIP guidance including the project requirements for the Career Center campus with estimated budget.

October 28, 2021 School Board Action

Staff announced agreement with Amazon to house the Arlington Community High School in Pentagon City PenPlace opening SY 2026-27. APS will identify interim space to house the program from Fall 2023 to Fall 2026. The School Board affirmed earlier direction regarding kitchen and security vestibule renovations, synthetic turf field replacements, phase 2 building at The Heights and previous bond funding. Major infrastructure projects (HVAC, lighting, roofing, etc) will be included in the Superintendent’s Proposed FY 2023-32 CIP. The School Board directed the Superintendent to begin concept design for the Career Center as described in option 4 with the base and alternative educational specifications attached below.

To prepare for the FY 2023-2032 CIP, staff from several departments and the Facilities Advisory Council will develop a framework and guidelines for evaluating existing facilities in order to prioritize and schedule renovations.

FY 2023-2032 CIP Development Timeline

Date School Board Meetings and APS Activities
September 2021
  • September 14 School Board Work Session on CIP
October 2021
  • October 14 & 28 School Board Meetings Provide CIP Direction
November 2021
  • Work begins on Long Range Renovation Plan Ranking with FAC
January 2022
  • APS releases new projections
February 2022
  • SB Work Session on Annual Update Feb.10
  • Reconvene BLPC & BLPC for feedback on Career Center new building concept design
March 2022
  • Identify new ACHS site and prepare to modify space
April 28, 2022
  • SB Meeting on Career Center vote on concept design
May 12, 2022

Note: SB will hold five CIP work sessions in May and June

May 17, 2022
NEW DATE   May 31, 2022
  • SB Work Session #2 on CIP, includes details on Arlington Career Center Instructional Needs and the Long-Term Renovation Plans
June 7, 2022
  • SB Work Session #3 Feedback from FAC and JFAC Chairs and Adjustments for the School Board’s Proposed CIP
June 9, 2022
  • SB Meeting – Information School Board Proposed FY 2023-32 CIP
NEW DATE June 13, 2022
  • SB Hearing on School Board’s Proposed 2023-32 CIP
June 21, 2022
  • SB Work Session on CIP (if needed)
June 23, 2022
  • SB Meeting – School Board votes on FY 2023-32 CIP
November 2022
  • Arlington Residents Vote on the School Bond Referendum

For additional information or questions on the CIP, please email engage@apsva.us.