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Library Subcommittee

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Library Subcommittee Final Report

As stated in the Career Center Working Group Charge

Convene a subgroup of CCWG members to evaluate options for the Columbia Pike Library, including staying on the site in coordination with school facilities or alternatively moving it from the site to a location on Columbia Pike in support of economic development and place making.  Cost estimates developed as part of the CCWG process should reflect library relocation and reconstruction costs for any option.  The subgroup, which will be led by a member of the CCWG but may include additional Columbia Pike and Libraries stakeholders, will work in parallel to the CCWG and any recommendations will be part of the CCWG report.

Additional resource: Options for Columbia Pike Library and Arlington Public Schools at Walter Reed Site Briefing Paper October 2017 

Subcommittee structure

The subcommittee is chaired by CCWG member, Nancy Birbaum. The subcommittee members are:

  • Betty Siegel, Vice Chair
  • Carrie Johnson
  • Lander Allin
  • Kim Phillip
  • Cecilia Cassidy
  • Bonnie Mangan
  • Kathleen McSweeney

Matt Mattuszek is the staff POC.

Meeting dates and deliverables

  • Subcommittee meeting schedule:
    • March 20, 2018
    • April 10 @ 7 – 9:00 p.m. Career Center Room 225 (Agenda)
    • April 26 – Cancelled
    • May 3 – Career Center, 7- 9 p.m.
  • Will provide an progress update to the CCWG on April 12
  • Will provide an update to the Joint Work Session on April 17
  • Final report out on May 21

Meeting notes