FY 2023 Adopted Budget

FY 2023 Adopted Budget at a Glance

FY 2023 School Board’s Adopted Budget
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The School Board’s FY 2023 Adopted Budget totals $749.7 million which is a 6.9 percent increase over the FY 2022 Adopted Budget.

Total Adopted Budget:  $749.7 million
Projected Enrollment:  27,583
Cost per Pupil:  $23,521
Revenue Expenditures
County Transfer: 78.0% Schools: 77.2%
State: 13.6% Instructional Support: 2.8%
Federal: 2.4% Facilities & Operations: 7.1%
Local: 2.8% Management & Support Services: 12.3%
Other: 3.2% Leadership: 0.6%

Enrollment Highlights

Enrollment is expected to decrease 1,525 students from the projected September 2021 enrollment to the projected September 2022 enrollment for a total enrollment of 27,583.

Revenue Highlights

County revenue increases by $54.5 million in FY 2023. This results from the School’s share of increased local tax revenue and $20.5 million in one-time revenue.

Beginning balance, or carry-forward, remains at $3.5 million, the same amount as in the FY 2022 Adopted Budget.

Funding reserves decreases $0.6 million or 2.7%, due to the difference in the reserve funds included in the FY 2022 budget and the reserve funds included in the FY 2023 budget.

State revenue increases $15.6 million or 18.0%, primarily due to increased sales tax revenue, however, additional funding is expected in grants and restricted programs.

Federal revenue decreases $17.7 million, due the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) one-time funds of $18.9 million being eliminated. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding and grants and restricted programs funding is expected to increase.

Local revenue from fees, charges, and grants is expected to decrease by $3.6 million or 14.8% for FY 2023 based on lower enrollment in the Extended Day program.

Expenditure Highlights

This year the budget is presented by School Board Priority as outlined in the Adopted Budget Direction. Following is a summary of expenditures included in the adopted budget by priority.

Priority # 1 – Ensure student well-being and academic progress

Funding of $12.0 million and 95.65 positions are included to support Priority #1. This includes funding for:

  • Decreased class size at elementary and high school levels as well as additional staff based on the new middle school planning factor.
  • Additional math coaches and reading teachers at Title I schools and elementary schools with enrollment over 650 students.
  • Resources for students with disabilities including student support coordinators, additional 1-to-1 assistants, PreK assistants, interlude therapists, behavior therapists, speech therapists, and interpreters. Central office adds a functional life skills coordinator to assist with maintaining that program.
  • Additional counselors for English learners and the reinstatement of the English Learners specialist which was a one-year reduction.
  • One additional instructional technology coordinators (ITC) at each of the comprehensive high schools to help with technology instruction.
  • Reinstatement of the Arlington Tiered System of Support (ATSS) specialist which was a one-year reduction.
  • An additional math curriculum supervisor and one math coach at each of the comprehensive high schools and H-B Woodlawn.
  • An assistant principal at Washington-Liberty high school.
  • Reinstatement of psychologists and social workers that were reduced based on lower enrollment and the current planning factor calculation.
  • One-time funds to provide tutoring to students in grades 6-12.

Priority # 2 – Advance 2018-24 Strategic Plan goals with focus on innovation and equity

Funding to achieve this priority include 1.80 positions for a total of $0.4 million. This funds:

  • Equity and Excellence coordinator positions for H-B Woodlawn and Yorktown.
  • A new director of policy and an equity dashboard.
  • The reinstatement of the Partnership coordinator position which was a one-year reduction.

Priority # 3 – Recruit, hire, and invest in a high-quality and diverse workforce to ensure APS is the place where talented individuals choose to work

In order to address Priority #3, funds of $37.5 million and 2.00 positions are included in the budget for:

  • Implementation of the compensation study recommendations.
  • Stipends for administrators with advanced degrees in their field of work.
  • The creation of the Office of Labor Relations in order to begin the collective bargaining process.
  • Reinstatement of funding for the National Board Certified Teacher (NCBT) program which was a one-year reduction.

Priority # 4 – Improve operational efficiency

The budget includes $4.8 million and a savings of 26.00 positions to meet the requirements of Priority #4. This includes:

  • The opening of the Washington-Liberty High School Annex which totals $0.6 million in one-time costs, $0.2 million in ongoing costs and 2.50 positions.
  • Funding for safety and security items such as school safety coordinators, automated external defibrillator supplies, new transportation radio consoles, and telecommunications upgrades.
  • A custodial apprentice program which will be a training program for custodians to step in for custodians that are retiring or leaving the system.
  • Implementing a new student registration system to integrate with the existing Student Information System, an analyst to train school staff on new and existing instructional applications and a new School Messenger app as well as one-time funds to upgrade the APS website.
  • Funding for a Children’s Services Act (CSA) coordinator to ensure APS meets the requirements under this program for reimbursement.
  • Efficiencies recognized due to the changes in school bell times results in a savings of $1.9 million and 38.50 bus driver and bus attendant positions.

Funding has also been provided for:

  • The redistribution of existing relocatables and to restore the one-year reduction to the Minor Construction/Major Maintenance (MC/MM) fund.
  • Increased debt service based on the anticipated Spring 2022 bond sale.
  • The reopening of the Planetarium in October/November 2022.

FY 2023 Budget Development

FY 2023 School Board’s Adopted Budget

FY 2023 School Board’s Proposed Budget

FY 2023 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

February 24, 2022

FY 2023 School Board’s Adopted Budget Direction

Budget Questions and Responses

All budget questions and responses from this year and prior years can also be found on BoardDocs.


Upcoming FY 2023 Budget Work Sessions

FY 2023 Budget Work Session ScheduleWork sessions start at 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted below, and are held at the Syphax Education Center, 2110 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA. Work sessions are open to the public but no comments are accepted. Work sessions can also be viewed on the School Board’s Work Session website by clicking here.  Dates and times are subject to change.

February 24, 2022 Budget Work Session #1 Presentation
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March 8, 2022, 5 p.m. Budget Work Session #2 Presentation 
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March 15, 2022 Budget Work Session #3 Presentation
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March 22, 2022 Budget Work Session #4 Presentation
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April 5, 2022 Budget Work Session #5 Presentation
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April 21, 2022 Budget Work Session #6 Presentation
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Previous Years’ Budgets