FY 2019 Adopted Budget

FY 2019 Adopted Budget at a Glance

The School Board’s FY 2019 Adopted Budget totals $640.1 million which is a 4.3 percent increase over the FY 2018 Adopted Budget.

Total Adopted Budget:  $640.1 million
Projected Enrollment:  28,016
Cost per Pupil:  $19,348
Revenue Expenditures
County Transfer: 78.2% Schools: 82.4%
State: 11.9% Instructional Support: 4.1%
Federal: 2.3% Facilities & Operations: 7.7%
Local: 3.6% Management & Support Services: 5.2%
Other: 4.0% Leadership: 0.6%

Enrollment Highlights

Enrollment is expected to increase 1,075 students from September 2017 to September 2018 for a total enrollment of 28,016.

Revenue Highlights

County revenue increases by $16.3 million in FY 2019. This results from the School’s share of increased local tax revenue and $3.0 million in one-time revenue.

Beginning balance, or carry-forward, remains at $3.5 million, the same amount as in the FY 2018 Adopted Budget.

Funding reserves increases $8.0 million or 4.0% due to the difference in the reserve funds included in the FY 2018 budget and the reserve funds included in the FY 2019 budget.

State revenue increases $3.6 million or 5.0%, primarily due to increased enrollment and sales tax.

Federal revenue increases $0.8 million or 5.3%, primarily due to an increase in IDEA, anticipated increases in funding for Food and Nutrition Services from the National School Lunch Program.

Local revenue from fees, charges, and grants is expected to increase by $2.4 million or 11.7% for FY 2019 based on historical trends, increased revenue due to increased participation in the Food and Nutrition Services, Extended Day, and Aquatics programs, and the Apple device buyback program.

Expenditure Highlights

Funding has been provided for:

  • An additional 50.0 positions plus materials and supplies for enrollment growth.
  • A step increase for eligible employees and salary scale adjustments for positions identified in the compensation study as being under market.
  • Increased debt service based on the anticipated Spring 2018 bond sale.
  • Approximately $14.6 million in local, state and federal grants.

New investments were kept to a minimum in the FY 2019 budget and address the School Board’s budget direction to provide additional instructional and administrative supports. They total $1.5 million and 9.75 positions, and include:

  • Funding to provide targeted support to students and families.
  • Business and operations supports in order to provide additional central assistance for staff as the school division continues to grow.
  • An additional coordinator and transportation to the Outdoor Laboratory.
  • Stipends for each high school for assistant activity directors for each fall, winter, and spring season.
  • Funding for 1.75 psychologists and social workers positions.
  • One-time funding for 2.0 Montessori Instructional Assistants.

Funding has also been provided to continue several growth initiatives begun in the FY 2017 and FY 2018 budgets, which total $3.4 million and 37.3 positions, and include:

  • Expanding Arlington Tech at the Career Center.
  • Technicians and instructional materials.
  • Safety and security needs for school buildings.
  • Infrastructure and support needed in order to provide central support to students and staff including increasing the number of full time bus drivers and bus attendants.

In order to address the budget shortfall in FY 2019, reductions and changes to service delivery were made totaling $15.6 million and eliminating 82.0 positions. These include:

  • Adjusting the salary base for current and on board employees.
  • Reviewing current departmental budgets to realign funding in order to continue current service levels or reduce programs that are no longer functioning as intended.
  • Changing planning factors resulting in a decrease of 55.5 positions.
  • Postponing the addition of psychologists and social workers and the addition of academic support for level 5 English language learners position resulting in a savings of 14.0 positions.
  • Using one-time funds for Minor Construction/Major Maintenance.
  • Eliminating employee benefits above legal requirements including parental leave and the Live Where You Work program resulting in a savings of $0.7 million.
  • Reducing central office support by 12.5 positions.
  • Reducing central office budgets for professional development, communications, and other efficiencies by $1.5 million.
  • Increasing revenue $1.2 million by participating in the Apple Device Buyback program, changing the fees charged at the aquatics centers, increasing building use fees, and adding a tier to the top of the Extended Day fee scale.
  • One-time funding of $3.0 million was used to postpone class size increases and to add 3.75 psychologists and social workers positions.

Budget Development

FY 2019 School Board’s Adopted Budget

FY 2019 School Board’s Proposed Budget

April 6, 2018

April 5, 2018

FY 2019 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

Revised Budget Forecast

February 22, 2018

Budget Questions
Budget Work Sessions

FY 2019 Budget Work Sessions Schedule
View past work sessions

November 7, 2017 School Board Work Session on Budget Agenda/Materials
February 22, 2018 Budget Work Session #1 Agenda/Materials
February 27, 2018 Budget Work Session #2 Agenda/Materials
March 13, 2018 Budget Work Session #3 Agenda/Materials
March 15, 2018 Budget Work Session #4 Agenda/Materials
April 3, 2018 Budget Work Session #5 Agenda/Materials
Key Stakeholders Meetings
October 30, 2017 Education Center Room 101A Presentation
(printer friendly)
December 7, 2017 Wakefield High School Cafeteria Presentation 
(printer friendly)
Community Budget Forums
November 16, 2017Spanish Kenmore Black Box Theater Presentation
(printer friendly)
November 28, 2017 Washington-Lee Cafeteria Presentation
(printer friendly)
Sounding Boards
November 15, 2017 Jefferson Middle School Notes
November 16, 2017 McKinley Elementary School Notes
December 7, 2017 Wakefield High School Notes

Previous Years’ Budgets