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Aquatics Advisory Group

The Aquatics Advisory Group (AAG) was established on July 1, 2022.  This group of citizens representing the aquatics community works with the Assistant Superintendent for Facilities and Operation or its designee to advise staff in the operations of the three APS-owned and operated swimming pools located at Wakefield, Washington-Liberty, and Yorktown High Schools.  The AAG work focuses on the efficiency and effectiveness of the swimming pool operations including budgeting expenditure, cost recovery strategies, fee setting, space allocation, schedules, programs, etc.   The group will participate in the development of the Aquatics Annual Management Plan, monitor its progress, and provide an end-of-year evaluation.  The AAG will function according to the operating standards outlined below.



The Aquatics Advisory Group is responsible for assisting the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities & Operations, or designee, on matters about APS Aquatics Facilities Operations and Programs.  This group shall work collaboratively with staff in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the Aquatics Annual Management plan with a focus on the following areas:

  1. The adequacy and efficiency of existing and planned aquatics programs and activities offered, procedures governing participation, cost-recovery goals, fees charged, and relationships among various activities at the Pools.
  2. The strengths and opportunities of aquatics’ operation and programs including but not limited to affinity access relationships, rentals, and competitive events.
  3. The extent to which the goals and objectives of the annual Aquatics Management Plan have been or are being met including areas that should be improved, expanded, eliminated, or modified.
  4. Strategies for strengthening community engagement efforts including but not limited to identifying diverse methods to inform community members about APS aquatic programs and activities and to encourage participation to help achieve the aquatics facilities’ performance goals.
  5. Collaborate with staff to present an annual Aquatics Annual Forum and other community outreach events and educational programs.


    1. On or about July 1 of each year, the Assistant Superintendent will solicit applications from community members using a form available on the Aquatics Website. Citizens will be selected to serve two-year terms on the AAG from this compiled list.   Vacancies that may occur during a given year will be filled in July of the following year.
    2. Members may serve no more than three consecutive terms.
    3. Membership shall consist of Arlington residents representing the various interest groups who frequent the Pools, including, but not limited to leisure/recreation, persons with disabilities, competitive aquatics, school, and community-based instructional, aquatic fitness, senior adults, and lap swimmers, and representing the diversity of the community. The Aquatics Advisory Group shall have no less than seven (7) and no more than ten (10) members appointed for two-year terms by the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations in consultation with the chair.

Group Procedures

By September 30 of each fiscal year, the Aquatics Director shall call the first meeting of AAG. The director shall advise the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations in advance of the date of this meeting.  Selection of the group chair and vice-chair shall occur at the first meeting of each year. Members elected to serve as chair and vice-chair may serve in the position for no more than two consecutive years.

  1. The chair is responsible for meeting agenda and regular communications, including advanced notice of all meeting dates to the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations.
  2. The Director of Aquatics Management shall serve as Secretary and shall maintain the minutes of group meetings.
  3. Copies of the approved minutes from all advisory group meetings shall be forwarded to the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations.
  4. By May 31 of each year, the Chair shall submit a report on the group’s review, of the previous year’s operations and management plan implementation. This report shall include recommendations for changes and improvements to the year’s plan, and suggestions for improving operations, programs, and community engagement.
  5. By October 15 of each year, the Aquatics Advisory Group will verify that it has reviewed the assessment of the management plan for the previous school year and has reviewed the Management Plan for the current school year.
  6. The group may forward recommendations to the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations for review, consideration, and implementation throughout the calendar year as appropriate.
  7. The Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations shall forward recommendations and the annual report to the Chief of Operations for review by the Superintendent and School Board.


  1. The Chair shall call at least four (4) more meetings per year. More meetings may be held as needed.
  2. The Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations shall be notified in advance of all meetings.
  3. All meetings may be held virtually and must allow for public participation.
  4. Meeting announcements shall be sent out via the Aquatics e-mail alert and FANLetter.
  5. Meeting schedules, agenda, links (as appropriate), and approved minutes shall be posted on the

Guidelines for Communications 

The group, at the discretion of the Chair, may elect to provide written or verbal comments to the School Board or Superintendent on matters related to the aquatics centers’ operations, facilities, and programs, outside of the annual report cycle.

  1. Members of the advisory group shall not represent their personal actions, views, statements, etc. as those of the group.
  2. In communicating with the media, members of the public, other individuals, or institutions, members must exercise caution to ensure that, unless authorized by the advisory group, they specifically indicate that any expressed opinions or views are, in fact, their own.
  3. Careful management of information requests is desirable to prevent overburdening other institutions, or the public with data requests.
  4. All notices and announcements to the public from the group shall be routed through the staff for dissemination.
  5. Any official communications or requests for information, including but not limited to polls and questionnaires, from the group directed to persons or organizations outside the school system shall be routed through the staff and approved in advance by the Assistant Superintendent of Facilities and Operations.


October 12, 2022 (6:00-7:30 PM) on MS Teams

November 14, 2022 (6:00-7:30 PM) on MS Teams


Minutes_Agenda Oct 12 ,2022

Minutes_Agenda Nov 14 ,2022