Superintendent’s Advisory Committee On Sustainability

The purpose of the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (SACS) is to provide recommendations to the Superintendent to achieve Arlington Public Schools’ (APS) sustainability objectives. APS defines sustainability as meeting the current needs of our students and staff while preserving the resources for future generations. This entails integrating energy and environmental conservation into our daily operations and within our dynamic learning environment while meeting safety and comfort standards in a fiscally responsible manner.

Membership Recruitment
Are you interested in joining our collegial group of environmental professionals? If so, fill out the SACS Member Application Form.


All meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from September through June at 7:00 PM. Currently meetings are being held virtually. Please contact us if you would like to join our virtual meeting.

Sustainability Liaison Program

Click on the photos below to learn more about the liaison program, project library, and end of year reports of the committee.

Superintendent's Advisory Committee On Sustainability    Superintendent's Advisory Committee On Sustainability    Superintendent's Advisory Committee On Sustainability




Published December 31, 69 5:00PM