Solar Schools

Arlington Public Schools (APS) recognizes the importance of onsite renewable energy sources to reduce our green house gas emissions. Through new construction projects and solar power purchase agreements (PPA’s), APS has installed photovoltaic arrays at 8 schools with 2 schools currently under design and construction.

School Solar Array Capacity (kW) Operational Date
Abingdon Elementary School 196.8 May 2022
Alice West Fleet Elementary School 536.4 February 2020
Cardinal Elementary School 371.4 Under Design & Construction
Discovery Elementary School 496 August 2016
Glebe Elementary School 1.1 2011
Jefferson Middle School 325.6 Under Design & Construction
Kenmore Middle School 576.8 May 2021
Tuckahoe Elementary School 36.5 October 2019
Wakefield High School 90 2013
Washington & Liberty High School 536.4 June 2021

Want to see if your school is generating electricity right now? Click the links below to see each school’s real-time and life-time electricity generation from their solar arrays!

Abingdon Elementary School – Real-Time GenerationLife-Time Generation

Alice West Fleet Elementary School – Real-Time GenerationLife-Time Generation

Kenmore Middle School – Real Time GenerationLife-Time Generation

Washington & Liberty High School – Real Time GenerationLife-Time Generation