Elementary Schools – Energy Use and Energy Report Cards

Arlington Public Schools operates and maintains twenty-five (25) buildings that accommodate our 25 elementary schools. Although our facilities center around the school day, our buildings operate well past school hours. Most of our schools provide after-school special programs, and many of the schools are filled during the summer with summer camps and enrichment programs for our students and the broader community.

The chart below shows the site energy intensity for the past four fiscal years. Site energy intensity is defined as the amount of energy used at a site to include electricity and natural gas consumption divided by the gross square footage of a facility. More information on site versus source energy may be found here.

Clicking the link to the right will show you each individual school’s Building Energy Report Card. There you can see total electricity usage, natural gas usage, water usage, and total carbon emissions throughout the past four school years.

This is a chart depicting the site energy intensity of each elementary school through fiscal years 2019 to 2022