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NNAT3 Results’ Interpretation Letter

NNAT3 Results’ Interpretation Letter – Spanish PDF

NNAT3 Results’ Interpretation Letter – Arabic PDF

NNAT3 Results’ Interpretation Letter – Amharic PDF

NNAT3 Results’ Interpretation Letter – Mongolian PDF

January 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Your student recently took the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test Third Edition (NNAT3). The NNAT3 is a nonverbal measure of general ability. The test appraises the level and pattern of developed abilities, which are influenced by experiences both in and out of school. It is designed to assess ability without requiring the student to read, write, or speak. All information needed to solve each item is presented in the item. Students must examine relationships among geometric shapes to determine which responses are correct on the basis of the information inherent to each item.  Scores are expressed as a Naglieri Ability Index and Percentile Rank.

Naglieri Ability Index – A student’s overall ability score compared to other students who took the test at the same time.

Percentile Rank – This score compares your child’s performance to that of a national sample of students of the same age. Percentile rank scores can range from 1 to 99. For example, if a child scores at the 75th percentile, this means that s/he has performed as well as or better than 75 percent of the rest of the children in the norm group. This score does not indicate what a child knows or can do. It is not possible to “pass” or “fail” this test.

As is true of any standardized test, this test measures only a sample of the skills that could be tested. Scores from this test provide only one piece of information about the student. Scores from this test, used in conjunction with other information, can be helpful when making instructional decisions about a student.

If you have any questions about your child’s scores on this test, please contact your child’s school.