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Inclusive Practices Tip: November 15, 2021

Welcome back! This third Inclusive Practices tip is focused on recognizing how the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are being implemented to promote inclusive practices within Arlington Public Schools. UDL is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. APS staff members are learning about and reflecting on utilizing UDL strategies to support inclusive practices. Parents and members of the community are critical partners in the collaborative process to support all students.

Action Step 1: This month, parents are also encouraged to learn more about UDL.  Here are some informative resources to explore

Action Step 2:
This article – Three Ways I USE UDL at Home – demonstrates how a parent tried using UDL in his home setting. Read the article and consider UDL strategies you can try at home.

Prioritizing inclusive practices is a direct result of the APS Comprehensive Special Education Review conducted during the 2018-2019 school year. Below is a snapshot of the recommendation.

Recommendation 21: Inclusive Practices Planning, Guidance, and Implementation. Select and use a structured framework that will help promote and support the implementation of best practices for inclusive education including the provision of high yield co-teaching and specially designed instruction. Develop a clearly articulated district/school implementation guide for inclusive practices and determine what role schools will have in adapting it to their needs versus what will be required by APS. Create guidance around developing inclusive master school schedules (which includes common co-teacher planning time) and assist schools with implementing it. Develop supportive structures that allow effective co-teaching teams to create efficiency and partnership build investment.

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