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Virtual Learning Program Compensatory Services Update: November 10, 2021

Compensatory Services Guidance for Virtual Learning Program (VLP)-  Information for Parents/Guardians

Arlington Public Schools (APS) has begun planning for provision of compensatory services (services designed to remediate the loss of special education and/or related services for a period of time) to Virtual Learning Program (VLP) students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) who have not been provided with some or all of their services during the 2021-22 academic year.

We acknowledge the challenges VLP students and families have experienced, we thank you for your engagement and your patience as we have worked to resolve issues and address concerns, and we look forward to collaborating with you to ensure that all students have a successful experience in the VLP this year.

To support the active engagement and collaborative decision-making that we know fosters positive outcomes for students, this document is designed to ensure that families have the information they need to participate in IEP meetings to determine compensatory services.

During the coming weeks, VLP administrative assistants will be contacting families to schedule IEP meetings to discuss compensatory services. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the amount of missed services and create a plan for APS to provide Compensatory Services at no cost to the parent. Based upon the discussion with the IEP team, the team will work with the families to identify whether they want all or some of the missed service hours to be provided over time.

During the compensatory services IEP meeting, the team will:

  • Review all missed IEP service hours for the student.
  • Discuss and consider family input/concerns.
  • Determine when services will be provided during the school day (or outside of the school day if the family wishes to make the student available).
    • This will include a discussion of the student’s current services and consideration of services that can be added during the school day without compromising the content the student is required to receive for particular grades or courses.
    • The amount of services the family would like outside of school such as after school or on the weekend can be considered. Holidays and school vacations can be considered if both the family and provider are available for services. If not, services would resume when school starts again.
    • APS will work with the family to ensure that all of the compensatory services are scheduled at a pace the family prefers.
    • IEP teams may determine that services will be provided during Summer 2022 (or later). If teams make this determination, the IEP team will reconvene in the spring to review what services were provided during the school year and develop a plan for the summer or later. Compensatory services provided during the summer are different from Extended School Year (ESY) services. ESY and compensatory services will not be provided simultaneously.

The team will document agreed upon compensatory services hours in the meeting’s Prior Written Notice (PWN) statement in the Supplementary Aids/ESY Section and LRE. Following the meeting, staff will ensure that agreed upon services are scheduled and added to the master compensatory services tracking system. Families will receive a copy of the IEP and the PWN.

The VLP special education case manager will notify families when delivery of compensatory services begins. Student attendance will be documented, and the VLP special education case manager will check in regularly with compensatory service providers to collaborate, share data and discuss progress. Data will be collected during each session, and reported to the VLP special education case manager. Compensatory services progress reports will be provided to families along with regularly scheduled report card and IEP progress report updates.


Who will attend the IEP team meeting to determine compensatory services?

  • Parent/Guardian
  • Local Education Authority (LEA) Representative (VLP or central office administrator)
  • General Education Teacher
  • School of Record Case Carrier
  • VLP Student Support Coordinator (as available)
  • Student, as appropriate
  • Others as needed or invited by parents/guardians

Who will provide the compensatory services to my child?
Services will be delivered by APS staff members, APS hired contractors, and/or private tutors. (Please note that approval of private tutors will be contingent upon required qualifications being met (i.e. VA special education teaching license verification, background/reference check, etc.), and that the approval process for private tutors may take several weeks. Upon approval, APS will directly pay the private tutor.)

Parents wishing to coordinate service provision by private tutors should contact the appropriate Office of Special Education administrator as follows:

What’s the difference between recovery services and VLP compensatory services?

COVID-19 Recovery Services are services provided to address recoupment of skills and/or persisting skill deficits as a result of the COVID-19 school closure. VLP Compensatory Services are being provided to VLP students who have not been provided with special education and/or related services specified in their IEPs during the 2021-22 academic year. Recovery services and compensatory services are different and will not occur simultaneously.

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?

Parents are encouraged to contact their VLP special education case manager. The Parent Resource Center is also available to provide information and support to families, and can be reached at 703.228.7239 or prc@apsva.us.