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Parent Resource Center Monday Message: May 17, 2021

Monday Message image




Happy Monday from the team at your Parent Resource Center. We hope you and your family enjoyed some cicada spotting this weekend!

We are enthusiastically looking forward to Arlington SEPTA’s Inclusion Event with Dr. Paula Kluth on Thursday, May 20th. We had an opportunity to attend a session with Dr. Kluth a few years ago, and she is a dynamic and highly engaging presenter. Don’t miss this important and thought-provoking session, designed to support us in seeking to further inclusive education in APS. Register here.

On Wednesday, May 12th, Arlington SEPTA held its annual awards ceremony. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate students, staff, parents and administrators … congratulations to all of the nominees and award recipients.

👏 Congratulations 2021 Arlington SEPTA Excellence Award Recipients👏

  • Exceptional Ally Award • Outstanding Student Ally: Maddy Miller, Yorktown High School
  • Howie Award • Outstanding Volunteer: Laura and Denny Edelbrock, Parents
  • Nannini Award • Outstanding Student Advocate: Will Waddell, Arlington Career Center
  • Exceptional Support Award • Outstanding Aide/Assistant or Support Staff: Letecia Poliquit and Dalis Williams, Arlington Career Center
  • McBride Award • Outstanding School or Program: Integration Station, County Wide Program
  • Crawford Award • Outstanding Educator: Christina Eagle, Arlington Career Center
  • Turner Award • Outstanding Administrator: Kelly Mountain, Parent Resource Center

The slideshow and recording of the ceremony will be posted shortly on SEPTA’s YouTube Channel and website at: https://www.arlingtonsepta.org/programs/excellence-awards/

New resources logo




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Paula Kluth

Don’t We Already Do Inclusion?
May 20th: 7:00-9:00 pm
Register here
This presentation is not only filled with ideas for teaching diverse learners, but is also focused on change itself and, more specifically, on how those concerned about inclusion can create change even when they are not in positions of power. The activities, examples, and illustrations in this workshop are designed to help participants refine their vision and their skills when it comes to inclusion. The ideas are no or low cost and many can be achieved by any number of stakeholders—including students and families. Come and learn tried and true techniques as well as some out-of-the box solutions such as involving traditional and social media,“shrinking” the change, phoning for help, advertising, and writing your way to progress.
View event flyer
Sponsored by Arlington SEPTA

Can You Really Have It All?download-10
How to Avoid Learning Loss Without Sacrificing Summer Fun
NEW DATE! Monday, May 24, 2021: 7-8pm
Featuring Ann K. Dolin, M.Ed.
Register here
This spring, as we navigate hybrid learning and launch into yet another new normal, we’re all looking forward to a relaxing summer ahead. But this summer, more than ever, we want to make sure our kids are feeling confident and prepared academically for school success this fall.In this interactive virtual talk, Ann will share strategies for:

  • Planning interactive summer activities so fun that your child won’t even realize they’re learning
  • Ensuring your child is up to speed after a year of inconsistencies and setbacks
  • Accessing online and offline learning resources that make summer learning fun and easy
  • Incorporating math, reading, and writing into your child’s summer routine to minimize pushback
  • Encouraging engagement when your child seems burned out or distracted

Ann Dolin, M.Ed. is the President and Director of Educational Connections. She holds a B.A. in Child Psychology/Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Special Education, with a concentration in Learning Disabilities, from Boston College. Ann is a former Fairfax County, VA public school teacher with over 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience. Ann is a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues, and she is also the author of the award-winning book Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework.


Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC) Meeting
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Register here
Virtual Meeting –  via ZoomThe Zoom meeting link will be sent to those registered prior to the meeting.Please note that the business portion of this meeting will be recorded through Zoom.
7:00 – 7:20 pm  Welcome, Member Introductions and Public Comments
7:20 – 7:30 pm  OSE Updates and Response to April 2021 Public Comments
7:30 – 7:40 pm  Recovery/Compensatory Services Update
7:40 – 8:20 pm  (Tentative) Discipline and Special Education
8:20 – 8:30 pm  ASEAC UpdatesAt the beginning of each meeting,
ASEAC welcomes comments from the public regarding the needs of students with disabilities in APS. See the ASEAC Public Comment Guidelines at https://aps2016.apsva.us/special-education-advisory-committee for information about submitting public comments.Any person who would like an interpreter and/or any person with a disability who needs accommodation to access the meeting should contact the Parent Resource Center at 703.228.7239 or prc@apsva.us by May 20th to request accommodations. There is also an option to request services in the registration form but we need to know by May 20th to be able to accommodate.


Building Healing Communities: Conversations on Mental Health, Resilience and Equity Symposium Symposium-Logo-300x202
A series of evening workshops for professionals and community members
Register for one and/or more events here

  • Thursday, May 20th, 6-8:30pm Keynote Speakers and Panel Discussion with Alex Geller, Dr. Alfiee, Samia Byrd & Arron Gregory
  • Monday, May 24th: 6-7:30pm  Mental Health in the BIPOC Community  / Discussion on Privilege and Bias.
  • Tuesday, May 25th: 6-7:15pm Supporting Resilience and Emotional Wellbeing in Infants and Toddlers / Mental Health Stigma Amongst Youth
  • Wednesday, May 26th: 6-7:15 pm. Transformative Yoga / Trauma, Stress, and Connection

Construyendo Comunidades Sanadoras Conversaciones sobre Salud Mental, Resiliencia y Equidad Simposio
Regístrese hoy

  • Jueves, Mayo 20: 6:00 – 8:30 p.m – Discusión de panel con Alex Geller, Dr. Alfiee, Samia Byrd y Arron Gregory
    Lunes, Mayo 246:00 – 7:30 p.m – Salud Mental en la comunidad BIPOC/Conversación en Raza y Equidad
    Martes, Mayo 25: 6pm-7:15pm –  El Estigma de la Salud Mental entre los jóvenes/Apoyar la Resiliencia y el Bienestar Emocional en bebés y niños pequeños
  • Miercoles, Mayo 26: 6pm – 7:15pm Yoga transformado/Trauma, estrés y conexión

Se proveerá traducción simultánea al Español.
View Symposium flyer:  English
View Symposium flyer: Spanish

The events included below are shared for informational purposes, and listing may not be inclusive of all available community learning opportunities and inclusion of opportunities does not reflect endorsement by Arlington Public Schools.


NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Arlington Parent Support Groups
Now Meeting Virtually
These groups are geared to parents whose child is experiencing symptoms of a mental illness, including: depression, anxiety, eating disorders, mood disorders and more. No diagnosis is required to participate. Participants are given the opportunity to share their story, experience support, and glean guidance (as desired) from group members regarding both community and school resources. Confidentiality is respected.
School Age Students and Teens (PK-12):
Sundays 7pm-8:30pm

  • May 23
  • June 6 and 20

Older Teen and Young Adults: 3rd Sunday 1-3pmQuestions??  Contact:

  • PK-12: Michelle Best (mczero@yahoo.com)
  • Adults: Naomi Verdugo (verdugo.naomi@gmail.com)

Both: Alisa Cowen (acowen@cowendesigngroup.com)

NAMI Events

  • Virtual YouthFest 2021
    Saturday May 22:  2pm
    NAMI is hosting its first ever Virtual YouthFest event for teens and young adults, ages 13-25. Participants will receive an activity kit with supplies to decorate their own Affirmations Jar. Participants can then work on their jar while having positive discussions about mental health with other teens and young adults. Attendees will get to connect with others their age, share how they have been coping during the pandemic, and break down stigma by being open and honest about mental health.Registration is required and limited to 25 attendees: https://conta.cc/2QUIDF0

UVA Supporting Transformative Autism Research (STAR)
Spanish Virtual Live Events
STAR will be offering two Spanish-language webinars this June.

  • Introduction to Autism/Introducción al Autismo
    Wednesday, June 9th at 10am
    Presenter: Isa Huerta
  • Stress Management in Families with children with autism/Manejo del estrés en la familia del niño y niña con autismo
    Wednesday, June 30, 10am
    Presenter: Michaela DuBay, PhD

Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence (VCU-ACE)Lunch and Learn Series download-3
Cultivating Inclusion
Thursday, May 20, 2021: 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
Register Here!



Upcoming Events from PEATC – Virginia’s Parent Education and Advocacy Training Center


  • Early Childhood Academy
    May 15 – June 19, 2021 
    A FREE self-paced online course is an innovative parent-friendly resource focused on providing information parents with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers need to know — the importance of parents as 1st teachers, early childhood services, special education, resources available to parents of young children with disabilities, and more!
  • Behavior Summit
    May 19, 2021
    Register here
    PEATC, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education, is pleased to announce the 2021 Behavior Summit for families of children with disabilities that live here in Virginia. This hybrid event will provide relevant and up-to-date information to parents and interested professionals. Participants will gain a basic understanding of the science of behavior, the importance of data in evaluating behavior, and developing strategies to address it. Presentations on Functional Behavioral Assessments, Behavior Intervention Plans, the relationship between behavior and social skills, and the new seclusion and restraint regulations for public schools will round out PEATC’s first Behavior Summit.Although the majority of this event will take place virtually and open on May 19, 2021 and remain open until May 22. 2021, there will be one LIVE Q&A session on the 19th. You will be able to engage with experts on behavior, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback. The Q&A will be recorded for those who will be viewing the summit after May 19, 2021 air date.
  • Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Transition Planning/Evaluation
    May 24th at 6:00 PM
    Transition to adulthood planning can be confusing. Join us to hear from Dr. Williams as he explains the top ten mistakes to avoid during post-secondary transition planning. We will hear how to use vocational evaluations and involving students to empower families, schools and students to make the best possible decisions in the areas in post-secondary employment, education and independent living.
  • Transition University
    June 12 – August 6, 2021
    Register here  TODAY!
    Join PEATC for this FREE 5-week SELF-PACED online course that focuses on providing parent-friendly transition information to help make transition planning easier. This course is designed for parents/caregivers of elementary, middle or high school students that receive special education services, but is open to everyone.  The goal is to share factual information on transition services and to help make the transition from school services to the adult services world less confusing.
    • Virginia Partners en Español (solo para profesionales) | 19 de Mayo – 1:30 PM
      Únete a nosotros para nuestra segunda reunión mensual de Virginia Partners en Español. Una red creada para profesionales en el estado de Virginia al servicio de la comunidad Latinx.REGISTRACIÓN: https://bit.ly/3nvk4e7
    • Su Voz Importa| 20 de Mayo, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
      ¡Padres, su voz importa! La participación de los padres es importante, ahora más que nunca. Durante este taller interactivo, los participantes estarán capacitados para ver el valor de sus dones, experiencia y contribución en torno al compromiso familiar auténtico. Los participantes explorarán su definición personal de participación de los padres y aprenderán enfoques efectivos para defender a sus hijos. Se compartirán consejos prácticos y técnicas que se pueden implementar de inmediato para mantener sólidas relaciones de colaboración con la escuela de su hijo.REGISTRACIÓN: https://bit.ly/3bjVtUM
    • Serie de Seminarios Virtuales junto a el Departamento de Servicios para Envejecimiento y Rehabilitación (DARS)
      PEATC se complace de anunciar que durante el mes de Mayo, estaremos proporcionando una variedad de presentaciones junto al Departamento de Servicios para Envejecimiento y Rehabilitación (DARS), que ayudaran a nuestras familias y sus hijos a aprender más sobre estos recursos y como preparar a sus hijos para la vida después de la secundaria.

      Cafecito Virtual: Desarrollo típico y atípico en niños de 0-36 meses de edad| 2 de Junio – 6:00 PM
      En una nueva sesión de nuestros Cafecitos Virtuales, tendremos como invitadas a Belkis Negron, Terapista Física con Especialidad en Intervención Temprana y Olga Jimenez, Terapista del Lenguaje y Lenguaje con Especialidad en intervención temprana, de la organización Infant & Toddler Connections de Falls Church, quienes nos hablaran sobre el desarrollo típico y atípico en niños de 0-36 meses de edad. Juntas, nos guiaran y enseñaran sobre características de desarrollo importante que podrían ayudarnos a darnos cuenta sobre una posible intervención temprana y otros recursos. CONÉCTATE: https://www.facebook.com/PEATCLatinx/

    • WAZE A LA ADULTEZ 2021 | 3 – 21 de Junio
      Un curso en línea GRATUITO Y A SU PROPIO RITMO enfocado en brindar información sobre la transición a los padres/cuidadores de estudiantes con discapacidades que están en transición de la escuela secundaria a la edad adulta. La información proporcionada en este curso es para ayudar a facilitar la planificación de la transición. REGISTRACIÓN: https://bit.ly/3nTawKa
    • Instituto de Padres 2021 | 17-18 de Junio
      El Instituto de Padres de PEATC es una gran oportunidad para que los padres de Virginia se reúnan, colaboren, crezcan y aprendan juntos. Este evento es gratuito, pero más importante, esta oportunidad de capacitación de 2 días brinda a los participantes la oportunidad de interactuar directamente con los presentadores que son líderes en sus campos. Este evento se presentará EN VIVO. Ambos días este evento se llevará a cabo de 9 am hasta el mediodía (12:00 PM). REGISTRACIÓN: https://bit.ly/31U9bbI
    • Grupo de Chat para Padres: Únete a nuestro nuevo GRUPO DE CHAT mediante la aplicación de WhatsApp y podrás mantenerte al tanto de todo lo que PEATC Latino está haciendo. Entra al GRUPO: https://bit.ly/2VoU2vw

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