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APS Planning to Provide Summer School for Students


Arlington Public Schools plans to offer in-person and distance learning summer school for students. Summer School will take place from July 6-30 for elementary students and from July 6-Aug. 6 for secondary students.

In response to a bill pending Governor Northam’s signature that requires that districts provide full in-person instruction as well as a virtual option starting on July 1st, APS will offer summer school via the following model in order to accommodate this potential directive and social distancing requirements.

The Summer School plan was developed in collaboration with the Offices of English Learners, Special Education, Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Secondary Education, the Department of Information Services and Principals at all levels.

Elementary Summer School (PreK-Grade 5) July 6-30
Most elementary schools will have their own strengthening programs. Students who are pre-identified as eligible will receive notification from their current school on April 16 with additional information. Eligible students will be automatically registered by their schools. If a parent/guardian wishes to opt out, they must contact an administrator at their school no later than April 30.

Cohort A will be 9 days in-person and 10 days virtual, and Cohort B will be 9 days virtual and 10 days in-person. General education students must participate for the full program in the cohort to which they are assigned. Parents/guardians will not be offered an opportunity to choose a model or cohort.

Students will be randomly assigned to a cohort and must participate fully in both the in-person and virtual sessions unless they receive Special Education services or are identified as an English Language Learner (EL) Level 1 or 2.

Secondary Summer School July 6-Aug. 6
Secondary summer school will be at one of two locations. A countywide middle school option will be offered at Kenmore Middle School and a countywide high school option will be located at Yorktown High School.Each location will have two summer school sessions.

  • Middle School: Session 1 – 7:45-9:55 a.m. and Session 2 – 10:05 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
  • High School: Session 1 7:45-10:45 a.mm and Session 2 – 11:15 a.m.-2:15 p.m.

Each site (Kenmore and Yorktown) will have two sessions. Cohort A will be 12 days in-person and 12 days virtual, and Cohort B will be 12 days virtual and 12 days in-person. General education students must participate for the program in the cohort to which they are assigned. Parents/guardians will not be offered an opportunity to choose a model or cohort.

Students will be randomly assigned to a cohort and must participate fully in both the in-person and virtual sessions unless they receive Special Education services or are identified as an English Language Learner (EL) Level 1 or 2.

Additional Secondary Summer School Programs
Individual Programs at ACHS and New Directions

  • Session 1 – 7:45 – 10:45 a.m.
  • Session 2 – 11:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.

Individual Program at Shriver

  • 8 a.m.-12 p.m. (times are tentative; all students will attend fully in-person from July 6 – August 6)

PEP Program at Career Center

  • Times and location TBD. All students will attend fully in-person from July 6 – August 6

English Learner and Special Education Students
EL1 and EL2 students will attend five days a week in-person or all virtual for the full Summer School program. Students in the countywide special education programs will also attend in-person or all virtual for full Summer School program.

All other special education students will have the choice of attending for the full program in person or to participate in the cohort model described above. Students will automatically be enrolled in the cohort model and will need to contact an administrator at their school by April 30 should they wish to attend fully in person for the duration of the program.

Summer School Eligibility
Parents of elementary students who are pre-identified as eligible will receive notification from their current school on April 16 with additional information.

Students eligible to attend summer school in-person for the entire session also include:

  • Any EL student in levels 1 and 2 and EL’s in levels 3 and 4 who have not demonstrated language proficiency
  • Any student with a disability
  • Any rising Kindergarten through 3rd graders who have not consistently attended during the 2020-21 school year or who have evidenced little to no growth

PreK students receiving services as a dual-enrollee please contact your case carrier for eligibility.

Secondary students who are eligible include:

  • Students who have earned D’s or E’s in classes required for promotion (middle school) or graduation (high school)
  • Any EL 1 and 2 and any EL 3 and 4 who have not demonstrated language growth
  • Any student with a disability

Instructional Focus

  • Elementary Strengthening – Math and Reading (students must be pre-identified by their school administrators and will be registered and notified by their schools)
  • Secondary Strengthening and New Work for Credit
    • Courses required for promotion (middle school), graduation (high school) – students must be pre-identified by their counselors and will be registered and notified by their schools
    • Economics and Personal Finance will be the only New Work for Credit course offered through APS (virtual only). Enrollment will be online in May and additional details will be provided in April. Students wishing to take other New Work for Credit courses may do so through Virtual Virginia. Students interested in this option should reach out to their counselors for additional information.
  • Extended School Year (ESY) and Recovery Services will be offered for many students with disabilities. Case carriers will inform families of students’ eligibility for these programs.
  • No elementary or middle school enrichment courses will be offered, and no Outdoor Lab summer camps will be offered.

Course Fees

  • Strengthening course fees are $150/$56 reduced
  • New Work for Credit fees are $350/$87 reduced
  • Information for submitting payment will be provided by school staff for students who are identified as eligible for strengthening courses.
  • Information for submitting payment for New Work for Credit will be included with the online registration form.

Registration will take place from May 3-14.

Food Services
It is anticipated that food will be provided at some summer school sites. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

Student Eligibility and Potential Waitlists
If APS is unable to staff all advertised summer programs some students who are pre-identified as eligible may need to be waitlisted.

Extended Day
APS is still determining whether Extended Day can be provided. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

Transportation information will be shared with families prior to the start of summer school.

More News in News Release

Arlington Public Schools to Participate Summer Meals Program

Arlington Public Schools is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to students ages 18 and under on a first come, first serve basis, from July 5-Aug. 1 at Carlin Springs Elementary School (5995 5th Road S.).

School Board Appoints Principal of Arlington Science Focus Elementary School

At its June 22 meeting, the Arlington School Board appointed Gina Miller as Principal of Arlington Science Focus Elementary School. 

School Board Appoints Principal of Claremont Immersion Elementary School

At its June 22 meeting, the Arlington School Board appointed Dr. Liza Burrell-Aldana as Principal of Claremont Immersion Elementary School.