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Extended Day 20-21 Back to School FAQs

Extended Day Staff Frequently Asked Questions for Return to School 2020-2021

Arlington Public Schools (APS) has announced that school will begin on September 8th, with all students learning virtually (remotely, online).  There will be no Extended Day program when the school year starts.  However, APS will provide childcare services that will prioritize staff members with children ages 4 to 11 who are physically reporting to work and will be limited to very small groups of children in designated facilities.  Programs will begin on September 8, 2020 and operate Monday – Friday during the “school day” at numerous APS elementary schools.  Extended Day staff will operate these programs.

All information below is current, but may change as the Executive Leadership Team continues to make decisions about the opening of the 2020-2021 school year.   We will add questions and update answers as we receive additional information.  If you have additional questions you can use this form to ask your question anonymously.  Please also look at the Return to School Frequently Asked Questions on Staff Central, you will need to be logged into My Access to see this page.

Updated August 10, 2020

APS Staff Childcare Program

COVID-19 Response

Health and Safety

Staffing and Schedules


APS Staff Childcare Program

Who is eligible to receive childcare?

August 10 – Priority will be given to APS staff that are physically reporting to work in an APS building.  Children must be ages 4-11 years old and are not required to be a student of Arlington Public Schools. There will be a fee for childcare services.

What will the childcare programs look like?

August 3 – Children will be divided into small groups with specific spaces for each group.  There will be two or three staff with each group and supervisors overseeing several rooms.  Most of each day will be spent with the children “in school” virtually.  Staff will monitor the room to provide supervision and very limited instructional assistance.  Activities will likely be offered during breaks, recess and lunch.

Will parents bring their children into the building?

August 10 – Parents will not enter the building.  Drop-off and pick-up will be conducted in one designated location with staff escorting the children to and from the parents.

What will be the staff’s role in overseeing the virtual learning that will be happening?

August 3 – Staff will not be expected to tutor or “teach” the lessons.  Instead, staff will supervise the children in a classroom setting and provide very basic assistance for virtual learning on their ipad, if necessary.  Perhaps, if a child is struggling with a school lesson, staff may help the child get his/her teacher’s attention to ask for help.  There will be more information about staff expectations as we move forward.

When and where does staff return to work?

August 10 – Staff that are being reassigned to work another APS position should refer to information provided to them from Human Resources.Staff that are working the childcare session will begin work in a Zoom meeting on the following dates:

  • Supervisory Staff – August 19
  • Trainees and Aides – August 24 – meeting information will be provided directly from your Childcare Session supervising team.

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Staffing and Schedules

I want to work in the childcare session.  What do I need to do?

August 10 – The Extended Day Central Office will contact all Extended Day staff (by email) to determine interest in working in the childcare programs.  However, depending on demand, it’s possible that there will not be enough jobs available for every current staff member that expresses an interest to work.  If that is the case, we will select staff in a fashion similar to how summer Extended Day staff is selected.

Are my children eligible for the childcare program?

August 10 – Children ages 4 to 11 of all APS staff who are physically reporting to work are eligible.  The children do not have to be APS students to participate.  There will be a fee for the childcare program.

Can my children attend the childcare program where I am working?

August 10 – We will try to place children of Extended Day staff who need childcare at the same school with their parent, but not in the same classroom as their parent.

Will I be working the childcare session at the same school where I normally work during the school year?

August 10 – We do not yet know which schools we will be using for the childcare program.

What times will the childcare programs operate?

August 10 – The childcare programs will operate Monday – Friday from approximately 7 am to 4 pm, but exact times have not been determined.  Different sites may operate different hours, to meet the varying schedules of the parents (APS staff).

If I am selected to work the childcare program, what will be my shift time?

August 3 – Exact shift times have not yet been determined. It is possible that staff may be given the opportunity to indicate their availability to work the first half of the day or the second half of the day.  More information to come.

Will I get paid if I do not work the childcare session?

August 10 – Human Resources has sent out specific information to staff regarding how they may be paid while working in another APS position until in-person student instruction resumes.  Some staff may be covered by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), a Federal law that offers employment protection and benefits to employees that qualify based on specific eligibility criteria.  Please contact Human Resources regarding your specific situation for leave requests, qualifications under the FFCRA, or accommodations.

How can I communicate with Human Resources about my situation?

August 10 – You may email Human Resources using the following –

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Health and Safety

What safety and health precautions will be in place to reduce risk for staff?

August 3 – The health and safety of APS staff, students and families is the number one consideration in planning for returning to school. APS is aligning our operations to local, state, and federal public health guidance and industry best practices for PreK-12 school operations during COVID-19. The APS health and safety plan for returning to school is being developed in consultation with the Arlington County Public Health Division.

Will health screenings be conducted of staff and students?

August 10 – All employees and students will go through a health screening process, including temperature checks, each and every time they enter an APS facility and before participating in any in-person activity at APS.

Will face coverings (masks) be required?

August 10 – All APS employees and students will be required to wear a face covering (masks) while inside an APS building unless medically exempt. 

Will face coverings (masks) be provided?

August 10 – Yes, APS has purchased cloth face coverings that meet CDC guidance – two for each student and four for each employee. These face coverings will be reusable and should be washed before each use to remain effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.  They are three-layer cloth face coverings that include a filter pocket for replacing filters as necessary; families and employees may purchase at their cost an additional filter to increase their level of protection. Specialized face coverings will be provided for Deaf/Hard of Hearing students and staff, and staff supporting Deaf/Hard of Hearing students. All employees and students will be required to wear cloth face coverings (masks) while in school and at work unless medically exempt.

What additional supplies will be provided to staff for their safety?

August 6 – Each employee will receive a return-to-work kit with hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes in addition to their cloth face coverings. This will supplement the supplies APS will provide, at no cost to employees, for cleaning and hand washing, such as hand soap and hand sanitizer. Plexiglass shielding has been purchased for high traffic areas like the main office to provide an extra layer of protection for our employees interacting with consistent groups of students.

Will I receive any training about health and safety protocols?

August 4 – Yes, all APS staff will receive training on the new protocols before the childcare program begins.  Additionally, there is an online COVID-19 safety training that all staff are required to complete prior to returning to work.

Will staff perform frequent cleaning and disinfecting of commonly touch surfaces?

August 4 – Yes.  High touch areas will be cleaned frequently and custodial support will continue to clean the buildings daily.

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COVID-19 Response

What if a child or staff person becomes sick at work?

August 3 – There will be very clear guidance and protocols for responding to a sick person in the buildings.  Of course, the person will need to be separated until they can depart.  And, there will be specific reporting protocols that will be followed.  More information to come.

Will the childcare program shut down if there is exposure to Coronavirus?

August 3 – Arlington County Public Health Department (ACPHD) evaluates each case to determine that self-quarantining or isolation is required among groups of students and staff who may have been exposed to a presumed or confirmed case. The specific factors requiring self-quarantine are based on the investigation that is conducted by Public Health. ACPDH will conduct a contact trace investigation to make the determination on the extent of the exposure and recommend to APS and all possible close contacts who may have been exposed as identified through their investigation on what appropriate next steps are.

What is the specific protocol when a staff member or student is exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19?

August 3 – If a staff member or a student tests positive for COVID-19, response procedures are followed in consultation with the Arlington County Public Health Division (ACPHD). A contact investigation will be conducted by the ACPHD. APS will notify the ACPHD of any reported or suspected COVID-19 cases. As soon as ACPHD learns of a potential exposure within a school, it will work with APS school staff, Emergency Manager and Student Services to help identify those who may be close contacts within that school.When notified of in-school COVID-19 presumed or positive case, APS will notify the staff and school community of the affected location. ACPHD will notify close contacts of positive cases and advise them to self-quarantine at home.

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