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APS to Pilot Summer School Transportation Initiative

The Arlington Public Schools Department of Transportation will pilot bus stop initiative for secondary students attending summer school this summer. The initiative is designed to cut down on length of time students ride the bus by centralizing stops. With fewer stops, buses can get to the school location more quickly and avoid some of the traffic that can cause delays.

Rather than being picked up at normal neighborhood stops, middle and high school students attending summer school locations at Kenmore Middle School, Wakefield High School and the Career Center will be picked up and dropped off at a central location such as an elementary school, library or community center.  Students can go to the location closest to their residence.

A list of stops and schedule information will be included in your transportation packet that you will receive prior to the beginning of summer school.

For more information, contact the Transportation Office at 703-228-8670.

More News in News Release

Arlington Public Schools to Participate Summer Meals Program

Arlington Public Schools is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to students ages 18 and under on a first come, first serve basis, from July 5-Aug. 1 at Carlin Springs Elementary School (5995 5th Road S.).

School Board Appoints Principal of Arlington Science Focus Elementary School

At its June 22 meeting, the Arlington School Board appointed Gina Miller as Principal of Arlington Science Focus Elementary School. 

School Board Appoints Principal of Claremont Immersion Elementary School

At its June 22 meeting, the Arlington School Board appointed Dr. Liza Burrell-Aldana as Principal of Claremont Immersion Elementary School.