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New High School Design & Construction

sample new construction plans

The 2017-26 Capital Improvement Plan, which the School Board adopted on June 16, 2016, included $146.71 million funding for 1,300 new high school seats to be completed in time for the start of school in 2022. The process and proposed timeline for selecting the program and location or locations for the new high school seats includes:

  • February through October 2017: Process to determine instruction focus and location of new high school program or programs
  • July and August 2017: Select architecture/engineering team for project
  • September through December 2017: Planning studies and investigation of site selected
  • January 2018 through March 2019: Concept design/schematic design and BLPC/PFRC processes
  • April through July 2019: Use permit submission through County Board approval
  • August 2019 through June 2020: Construction documentation and bidding
  • July 2020 through June 2022: Construction
  • July and August 2022: Furniture/fixtures and equipment
  • September 2022: New high school program opens to students

If you have questions or suggestions about design and construction of the new high school, please contact us at newhighschool@apsva.us.