
Superintendent’s Sept. 29 Update: Instruction During COVID-Related Absences

I attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of our 20th neighborhood elementary school over the weekend – Innovation Elementary. In the words of the 5th grade students who spoke at the event, their school is a community of innovators who aim to be “smarter and kinder” and will ultimately be world changers.

Celebrate Your Muscle-Powered School Commute on Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day 2021

On Wed, Oct. 6, all APS schools are taking part in Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day, an annual international celebration that encourages students to walk, bike or roll to school while teaching the health, environmental and community-building benefits of active transportation and safe routes to school.

Swanson 8th Grader Named to Broadcom MASTERS Top 300 List

Swanson Middle School eighth grade student Henry Stievater has been named one of the Top 300 MASTERS in the 2021 Broadcom MASTERS® for his project titled The Effect of School Size, Per-Pupil Expenditures, and Percent of Teachers with Advanced Degrees on SOL Pass Rates.